Each year hundreds of thousands of students graduate with fashion-related degrees, regardless of whether they are interested in garment technology, pattern design, fashion photography, or fashion marketing and PR. It’s brilliant to have so many options but at the same time, it can be exceedingly difficult to unpack what each of them entails. In any case, planning careers in fashion enables both students and other individuals interested in joining the fashion industry to prepare for their prosperous careers.
The diversity of careers available in the fashion industry is rapidly expanding, opening up a whole new world of vocations to contemplate. At the same time, breaking into the fashion industry can be notoriously difficult for newly qualified graduates and young self-taught designers due to the high number of students graduating each year and the competitive nature of the fashion industry. If you recently graduated or are still studying, you might be wondering how to acquire this preliminary experience and how to construct a solid career in the fashion industry because of the numerous courses offered worldwide to people with ambitions to study and join the fashion industry. The Elixir Magazine presents to you our next issue- 'Revisiting Fashion Basics', including everything you need to know about how to start a career in the fashion industry.
Our Background
Nakshatra since its inception in the year 1990 has been known for its unprecedented class and choices. We’ve always broken the trammel and the set notions of how a fashion society should be. So while exploring our confines as a fashion society we thought of creating a platform where the voices from the unrepresented people of the fashion world can be heard, a platform which would bring to light the bigotry, evolution and the status quo of the world only seen from afar by the most of us. Thisvery thought gave birth of our dream project, our own magazine. It took months of forethought and reflection, diligence and ideation; but all this toil emanated exquisitely with the idea of ‘ELIXIR’. A magazine that would capture the cultural movements through history that left an imprint in people’s mind like no other and remind ourselves of the power of beauty again in the hectic modern lives we all live in, a magazine that would be a true venue for self-exploration and self-expression; anda venture that will redefine the set gauges of beauty, class and fashion.